Bruce Conner, Crossroads, 1976
Nov. 29, 2007 - Jan. 26, 2008
CCA Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts
California College of the Arts
San Francisco CA 94107
"Some day this war's gonna end."
--Lieutenant Colonel William Kilgore, Apocalypse Now
An attack curated by Jennifer Allora, Guillermo Calzadilla, and Jens Hoffmann
Participating artists: Antonin Artaud, Max Beckmann, Margaret Bourke-White, Mathew Brady, Jacques Callot, Bruce Conner, Leonardo da Vinci, Otto Dix, Ernst Friedrich, Francisco de Goya, George Grosz, John Heartfield, Ernst Jünger, Jon Kessler, Käthe Kollwitz, Lewis Milestone, Bruce Nauman, Pino Pascali, Pablo Picasso, Alain Resnais, Alexander Rodchenko, Martha Rosler, Luigi Russolo, Kurt Schwitters, Richard Serra, Mark Twain
With artifacts, records, films, artworks, and reproductions documenting, remembering, and presenting wars both historical and contemporary
Apocalypse Now: The Theater of War examines the philosophical terrain of war. Featuring images and sounds related to war and the impact war has on the human mind, the exhibition is more than a simple illustration of war. Instead it describes war as a universal idea of human antagonism, a set of languages and iconographies embedded in our everyday lives and broader social consciousness. Beyond an actual, specific conflict, it confronts its audience with the unpalatable side of humanity, the scenes and situations that resist engagement.