In 2002 artists Harrell Fletcher and artist/writer/filmmaker Miranda July (“Me and You and Everyone We Know” and the recent story collection No One Belongs Here More Than You http://noonebelongsheremorethanyou.com ) founded a website that gives art “assignments” to the public and posts the resulting photographs, drawings, videos and texts.
Five years, sixty-three assignments, and more than five thousand reports later, http://learningtoloveyoumore.com has become that rare site that actually inspires you to step away from the computer and into your life.
Fletcher and July have carefully selected the most extraordinary entries from this vast and growing archive and collected them in the new book, Learning to Love You More. Over 200 kisses, banners, public acts, arguments, and imaginary phone calls are collected here.
The result is by turns hilarious, moving, inspiring, and always thought-provoking—a challenge to the traditional idea of what and who makes art. A paperback priced low enough to be accessible to all, this collaboration is a complex and poignant look into the way people really live, think, act, and love.