Karen Kilimnik 20 February – 9 April 2007
America artist Karen Kilimnik’s paintings recall the work of painters from the 16th through to the 19th centuries. Her mise-en-scene approach is inspired by specific rooms in stately homes, horse riding, Tudor architecture and the occult and mixes contemporary and historical references.
The Karen Kilimnik exhibition features over 50 of the artist’s paintings and drawings from the past decade, as well as recent installations staged according to her fascination with historical allegories.
The artist has said of her work: Being so inspired by fairy tales, mysteries, books, TV shows and ballets etc. I like to make up characters myself as if I’m a playwright and these are characters and scenes I invented or observed… So I’ll see a picture of someone or something in a photo or a painting and cast them in my so-called play as a character I’ve made up or sometimes borrowed.